Archive for December, 2010

i’ve just installed latest banshee (v1.9) music player in my Ubuntu 10.10 from the unstable ppa.

Here is a way to push banshee played song to zeitgeist and from there you can use synapse (a gnome-do like tool written in vala with zeitgeist super powers!) to find the played songs !

Banshee-Zeitegeist Dataprovider

Synapse using Banshee-Zeitegeist Dataprovider

The method applying in this post assumes you are familiar with ubuntu ppa’s, command line and git. Also use the details below at your OWN RISK !!!

# get the required stuff
# latest banshee
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:banshee-team/banshee-unstable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install banshee banshee-community-extensions
# if you have already banshee just use
# sudo apt-get upgrade !
# OPTIONAL : get synapse (gnome-do like application with zeitgeist support)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:synapse-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synapse
# get banshee development libs
sudo apt-get install git-core autoconf automake libtool intltool gcc make libgconf2.0-cil-dev libgconf2-dev && sudo apt-get build-dep banshee
# don't forget the zeitgeist-sharp lib so that you can use banshee.zeitgeist provider
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:manishsinha/experimental
sudo apt-get install libzeitgeist-cil-dev

# make temporary folder and get the banshee community extensions from source
mkdir temp_BCE
cd temp_BCE/
# install git if you don't have it already
sudo apt-get install git
# clone the source files
git clone git:// banshee-community-extensions
cd banshee-community-extensions
# enable only the zeitgeist provider, the others are already installed from the banshee-unstable-ppa
./ --disable-alarmclock --disable-ampache --disable-appindicator --disable-awn --disable-clutterflow --disable-coverwallpaper --disable-jamendo --disable-lastfmfingerprint --disable-lcd --disable-lirc --disable-liveradio --disable-lyrics --disable-magnatune --disable-mirage --disable-openvp --disable-radiostationfetcher --disable-randombylastfm --disable-soundmenu --disable-streamrecorder --disable-telepathy --disable-ubuntuonemusicstore
# _make_ and ... pray for no errors
# then to use the Banshee.ZeitgeistDataprovider copy the dll to the extensions folder
sudo cp bin/Banshee.ZeitgeistDataprovider.dll /usr/lib/banshee-1/Extensions/
# enjoy!!
# start banshee, enable the extension (Edit-> preferences -> extensions -> Zeitegeist Dataprovider)
# restart banshee, play a song, close banshee. activate Synapse, go to audio tab and hit down button and see the song you played before logged from zeitgeist!

you can get the instructions also at pastebin :