Posts Tagged ‘Linux’

install flash player for x64 in ubuntu

Posted: 30 December 2009 in English, Ubuntu
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1) download the tar.gz flash version from here
2) purge existing flash :

sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree nspluginwrapper

3) cd ~/Downloads

4) tar zxvf

5) sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

6) restart firefox
7) done!

This is an annoying nvidia bug with the latest Firefox (Shiretoko) version 3.5.
To fix it you need to load the flash plugin before firefox.
To do this you have to find the firefox startup script (mine is in /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.1/ and add the following line at the beginning of it (be careful to not wipe the “#!/bin/sh” line!):

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

Now you can have full-screen videos again in youtube ;) 


Here is how i create a package list with the current software installed :

dpkg --get-selections > package.list

To restore the list after a new clean install and automatically re-install the packages :

sudo dpkg --set-selections < package.list
 sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

As simple as that!

To enable scrolling with middle click all you have to do is :
edit -> preferences
go to the advanced tab, and check “use autoscrolling

it is working under ubuntu linux 9.04