Posts Tagged ‘compiz-fusion plugins’ announced the release of Compiz 0.7.0

What’s new :

1) Multi-display support.
2) A KDE4 port of the kde-window-decorator has been added
3) Frequent crashes of kde-window-decorator for some people have been fixed.
4) Middle and right click actions have been made configurable in gtk-window-decorator.
5) Gtk-window-decorator now optionally allows mouse wheel title bar actions, such as shading.
For complete changelog about compiz 0.7.0 look at the official announce here.

    How to install (Git) :

    git clone git:// compiz0.7.0

    of course you need git to be installed ;)

    Also there is a script called “Makefusion” which you can use to install compiz and compiz-fusion plugins (main extra unsupported atlantis2 bs cubedbus filedebug freewins fireflies maximumize mousegestures photowheel rubik screensaver stars snowglobe shelf visualevent wallpaper).

    This script is for ubuntu users 7.10 and below.You can find the script and more instructions about it here and here.

    If you have Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 Alpha4 installed there is already an update available!

    Just run the update-manager or run in terminal “sudo apt-get update” and install the available updates :D